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Selected Journals
Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems for High-Assurance Applications 2010 by Hardin
Real-Time C++ : efficient object-oriented and template microcontroller programming 2018 by Kormanyos
Beginning C++17 : from novice to professional 2018 by Horton
Illustrated C# 7 : the C# language presented clearly, concisely, and visually 2018 by Solis, et al
Thinking-driven testing : the most reasonable approach to quality control 2018 by Roman
Low-level programming : C, Assembly, and program execution on Intel® 64 architecture 2017 by Zhirkov
Embedded software verification and debugging 2017 by Lettnin, et al
The dark side of silicon : energy efficient computing in the dark silicon era 2017 by Rahmani, et al
Reconfigurable and adaptive computing : theory and applications 2016 by Nedja
8051 Microcontrollers : internals, instructions, programming, and interfacing 2014 by Ghosal
Fundamentals of digital logic and microcontrollers 2014 by Rafiquzzaman
Multicore technology : architecture, reconfiguration, and modeling 2014 by Samgwine, et al
Advanced microsystems for automotive applications 2013 : smart systems for safe and green vehicles 2013 by Fischer-Wolfarth, et al
Resilient architecture design for voltage variation 2013 by Reddi, et al
The art of hardware architecture : design methods and techniques for digital circuits 2012 by Arora
Understanding Microelectronics : a Top-Down Approach 2011 by Maloberti
Processor microarchitecture : an implementation perspective 2011 by González, et al
Ultra-low energy domain-specific instruction-set processors 2010 by Catthoor
VLSI and computer architecture 2009 by Watanabe
Invention of integrated circuits : untold important facts 2009 by Saxena
Inside the machine : an illustrated introduction to microprocessors and computer architecture 2007 by Stokes
High-performance energy-efficient microprocessor design 2006 by Oklobdzija, et al
Microcontrollers fundamentals for engineers and scientists 2006 by Barrett, et al
System-level modelling and design space exploration for multiprocessor embedded system-on-chip architectures 2006 by Erbas
Microcontroller based applied digital control 2006 by Ibrahim
Microcontrollers in practice 2005 by Mitescu
CPU design : answers to frequently asked questions 2005 by Thimmannagari
su:Intel microprocessors Programming
su:Microprocessors Design and construction
su:Integrated circuits Design and construction
su:Integrated circuits Materials
su:C (Computer program language)
Various Websites
Khan Academy CPU, Memory, Input & Output
MIT Open Courseware Microprocessor Systems