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BIM and quantity surveying 2016 by Sell et al Willis's elements of quantity surveying 2014 by Lee, Willis, Trench
Estimating and Cost Planning Using the New Rules of Measurement 2013 by Ostrowski
Measurement using the New Rules of Measurement 2013 by Ostrowski
NRM1 Cost Management Handbook : the definitive guide to measurement and estimating using NRM1, written by the author of NRM1 2014 by Benge
Construction estimating : a step-by-step guide to a successful estimate 2012 by Schmid
How to Estimate with RSMeans Data 2012 by Mubarak, et al
Spon's construction resource handbook 1998 by Spain
Conceptual cost estimating manual 1996 by Page
su:Chemical plants Design and construction Estimates
Construction item pricing : for more profit and less risk 2012 by Cattell
Construction quantity surveying : a practical guide for the contractor's QS 2012 by Towey
Print Book Estimating in building construction 2015 by Dagostino, et al
Estimating building costs for the residential & light commercial construction professional 2012 by DelPico
Mechanical estimating manual : sheet metal, piping and plumbing 2007 by Wendes Systems, Inc.
Electrical estimating methods 2014 by R.S. Means Company
Estimating highway preconstruction services costs. Volume 1, Guidebook 2016 by Federal Highway Administration, et al
Estimating highway preconstruction services costs. Volume 2, Research report 2016 by Federal Highway Administration, et al
Practical guide to cost estimating 2013 by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Life cycle costing for the analysis, management and maintenance of civil engineering infrastructure 2015 by Bull
Value management of construction projects 2015 by Kelly, et al
su:TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Construction Estimating
su:Construction industry Cost effectiveness
su:Building Estimates Data processing
su:Buildings Mechanical equipment Installation Estimates
su:Construction industry Management
Construction management and economics
YouTube Search Construction Estimating