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Print Textbook Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics 2014 8th by Moran, Shapiro, Boettner, Bailey
Engineering thermodynamics and 21st century energy problems : a textbook companion for student engagement by Donna Riley
Thermodynamics by Prasanna Kumar
Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers by S. Bobby Rauf
Applied thermodynamics by Onkar Singh
Modern engineering thermodynamics by Robert T. Balmer
Energy : production, conversion, storage, conservation, and coupling by Yaşar. Demirel
Thermodynamics and heat powered cycles : a cognitive engineering approach by Chih Wu
Thermodynamics and the destruction of resources by Bakshi, Gutowski, Sekulić
Imaging heat and mass transfer processes : visualization and analysis by Panigrahi, Muralidhar
Sustainable development in energy systems by Brian Azzopardi
Sustainable development and disaster risk reduction by Uitto, Shaw
Advanced thermodynamics for engineers by D. E. Winterbone
Advanced thermodynamics : fundamentals, mathematics, applications by Tabatabaian, Rajput
Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids by Goodman, Sengers, Peters
Exergy analysis and design optimization for aerospace vehicles and systems by Camberos, Moorhouse, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Print Chemical and engineering thermodynamics by Stanley I. Sandler
Thermodynamics : Principles Characterizing Physical and Chemical Processes by J. M. Honig
Thermodynamics : applications in chemical engineering and the petroleum industry by Jean Vidal
Finite time thermodynamics of power and refrigeration cycles by Kaushik, Tyagi, Kumar
Integrated absorption refrigeration systems : comparative energy and exergy analyses by Dinçer, Ratlamwala
Thermal power plant performance analysis by Gilberto Souza
Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers by S. Bobby Rauf
Internal combustion engines : applied thermosciences by Ferguson, Kirkpatrick
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