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Applied Science and Technology Source
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Statics and Mechanics of Materials
DE "Seismic response (Structural analysis)"
ASTM Standards and Engineering
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Print Textbook Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2016 14th by R.C. Hibbeler
Statics with MATLAB® by Marghitu, Dupac, Madsen
Statics for dummies by James H. Allen
Engineering Mechanics 1 : Statics by D. Gross, et al
Statics -- formulas and problems. Engineering mechanics 1 by D. Gross
Statics : learning from engineering examples by I. Emri, Arkady Voloshin
Computational statics revision course by Zia Javanbakht, Andreas Öchsner
Statics and influence functions--from a modern perspective by F. Hartmann, Peter Jahn
Statics : analysis and design of systems in equilibrium by S. Sheppard, et al
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of statics and mechanics of materials by William A. Nash
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