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Print Book Text Traffic and Highway Engineering 2009 by Garber, Hoel
Critical Infrastructure Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 2009 by Radvanovsky, McDougall
Transportation Systems Security 2008 by Radvanovsky, McDougall
Modern Protective Structures 2008 by Theodor Krauthammer
Engineering economics and finance for transportation infrastructure 2013 by Prassas, Roess
Transportation Planning Handbook 2016 by Institute of Transportation Engineers
Sustainable transportation planning : tools for creating vibrant, healthy, and resilient communities 2012 by Jeffrey Tumlin
Handbook of road ecology by Ree, Smith, Grilo
Making public transport work 2004 by Mark Bunting
Infrastructure : rebuilding, repairing and restructuring 2009 by Jason R. Baren
Handbook of transport systems and traffic control 2009 by Button, Hensher
Geopositioning and Mobility 2013 by Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh, et al
Traffic engineering handbook 2015 Institute of Transportation Engineers
Geographic information systems in transportation research 2000 by Jean-Claude Thill
Introduction to modern traffic flow theory and control : the long road to three-phase traffic theory 2009 by B. S. Kerner
Statistical techniques for transportation engineering 2017 by Molugaram, Rao
Highway engineering 2016 by Martin Rogers
Highway engineering : planning, design, and operations 2016 by Findley, Schroeder, Cunningham, Brown
Highways : the location, design, construction and maintenance of road pavements 2016 by Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain)
Print A policy on geometric design of highways and streets, 2001 by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Geometric design projects for highways : an introduction 2000 by John G. Schoon
Trade-off considerations in highway geometric design 2011 by Federal Highway Administration, et al
Freeway geometric design for active traffic management in Europe 2011 by Federal Highway Administration, et al
City logistics : network modelling and intelligent transport systems 2001 by Eiichi Taniguchi
Environmental noise barriers : a guide to their acoustic and visual design 1999 by Kotzen, English
Streets & patterns 2005 by Stephen Marshall
Residential streets 2001 by Walter M. Kulash, American Society of Civil Engineers., Institute of Transportation Engineers., National Association of Home Builders (U.S.), Urban Land Institute
Urban Design : Street and Square 2003 by Cliff Moughtin
Streets and the shaping of towns and cities 2003 by Southworth, Ben-Joseph
Service network design of bike sharing systems : analysis and optimization 2016 by Patrick Vogel
Bike Lanes Are White Lanes : Bicycle Advocacy and Urban Planning 2016 by Melody L. Hoffmann
Creating walkable & bikeable communities 2016 by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Freeway traffic modelling and control 2018 by Ferrara, Sacone, Siri
Optimal transportation networks : models and theory by 2009 Bernot, Caselles, Morel
Human factors for highway engineers 2002 by Fuller, Santos
Standard specifications for highway bridges 2002 by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Autonomous vehicle technology : a guide for policymakers 2014 by Rand Corporation, et al
Asphalt materials and mix design manual 1998 by Irving Kett
Pavement design and materials 2008 by Papagiannakis, Masad
Advances in asphalt materials : road and pavement construction 2015 by Huang, Di Benedetto
A performance-related specification for hot-mixed asphalt 2011 by National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board., National Cooperative Highway Research Program., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials., United States. Federal Highway Administration.
Performance specifications for asphalt mixtures 2016 National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board,, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, United States. Federal Highway Administration
Pavements and Materials : Modeling, Testing, and Performance 2008 by Wang, You, Abbas
Landmark American bridges 1993 by Eric. DeLony, American Society of Civil Engineers
Strengthening historic covered bridges to carry modern traffic 2010 by Martin B. Reece
Transportation tunnels 2016 by Ponnuswamy, Victor
Practical tunnel construction 2013 by Gary B. Hemphill
Highway and rail transit tunnel inspection manual 2005 by United States Federal Highway Administration
au="Automated Vehicles Symposium"
Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems : Methods and Results 2016 by Meng Lu
Automotive radar sensors in silicon technologies 2013 by Jain, Heydari
Automotive sensors 2009 by J. D. Turner
Wireless technologies in intelligent transportation systems 2010 by Zhou, Zhang, Yang
Antenna arrays and automotive applications 2013 by Rabinovich, Alexandrov
Transportation in a climate-constrained world 2009 by Andreas Schäfer
Transportation technologies for sustainability 2013 by Ehsani, Wang, Brosch
Creating green roadways : integrating cultural, natural, and visual resources into transportation 2012 by Sipes, Sipes
The future of post-human transportation : a preface to a new theory of networks and operations 2012 by Peter Baofu
Transportation security 2014 by John G. Voeller
Hydrogen storage technologies : new materials, transport, and infrastructure 2012 by Godula-Jopek, Jehle, Wellnitz
Advanced mobility and transport engineering 2012 by Hammadi, Ksouri
Track design handbook for light rail transit 2012 by National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board
Railway transportation : policies, technology and perspectives 2009 by Nicholas P. Scott
Modelling and managing airport performance 2013 by Zografos, Andreatta, Odoni
Air transportation systems engineering 2001 by George L. Donohue
au="American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials"
su:Transportation engineering United States Finance
su:Roads Design and construction
su:Streets Design and construction
su:Bicycle lanes United States
su:Roads Design and construction Environmental aspects
su:Railroad tracks Design and construction
su:Tunnels Design and construction
YouTube Search Transportation Engineering
Generation earth. Episode 2, The way we move by Kanopy (Firm)