Learning APA Style http://www.apastyle.org/learn/index.aspx
APA Style Quick Reference https://www.stritch.edu/uploadedFiles/Library/Doing_Research/Citation_Help/APAStyleGuide6.pdf
APA Cheat Sheet: https://www.library.kent.edu/files/APACheatSheet.pdf
Microsoft Office APA-Style Templates https://templates.office.com/en-us/APA-styles-TM00002099
As a WVU-Tech student, you have free access to End Note http://www.myendnoteweb.com/EndNoteWeb.html, which allows you to create an account, save your articles, format in-paper citations, and generate a works cited page. You can even set it up to share items for a group project. Here's a screen-shot of the main page so you can see the options available yourself.