For End of Semester and Holiday Hours go to
Please refer to the WVU Tech Library Services guide for special hours and other general information
Strife , Mary L.
Lead Administrator, WVU Tech Beckley Library
Interlibrary Loan Services
University Librarian
Other Phones:
Library Lobby: 304-929-0340
Library Fax: 1-304-254-0509 (Room 207)
Textbook Checkout (Reserves) Desk: 304-929-1344
Room 205: 304-929-0341
Room 207: 304-929-1345
EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS)
Users can search and discover resources in the WVU Library System with one single search box.
Use this online catalog to find books held at WVU Tech's Beckley Library
Borrowing Materials
Information on borrowing and renewing privileges.
Access to electronic resources is authenticated when on campus
Remote access requires use of your WVU Login which is your username and your password
If you have forgotten your WVU Login please click HERE.
To reserve a space for your event or class please contact the library staff or library student workers.