ILL services at Tech merged with WVU LIbraries in the Fall 2020 and are managed from the Access Services and ILL department at the Downtown Campus Library in Morgantown. Please follow the instructions below on submitting ILL requests for books and articles:
To request items through the Interlibrary Loan's new ILL management system, you must first create an account to identify yourself in the system. Please use the Illiad Logon link below to register. Once you establish an account your personal information remains on file and future submission will not be necessary. Your email address will enable the Interlibrary Loan Staff to notify you promptly about the fulfillment of your requests. Your personal ILLiad account also allows you to track your requests.
Interlibrary Loan Services assists WVU Tech Students, faculty and staff by obtaining materials not available in the WVU Tech Beckley Library.
Book and article requests are free to Tech students, staff, and faculty. The library works to locate free materials from participating libraries in-state and out-of-state cooperative networks. Out-of-state libraries may charge processing and copying fees. Articles delivered electronically may take one to two days. Items shipped by regular mail may take three to five business days. For obscure items the library may resort to Document Delivery Services to fulfill the request. International requests are not filled by the WVU Tech Beckley Library
Before making your request you will need the following information:
Book request: Author, title, publisher, date of publication, and source of information
Article Request: Author of article, title of article, journal title, volume, issue number, pages, date of publication, source of information
Interlibrary Loan requests are made first to in-state sources and a cooperative network. Many out-of-state libraries charge extra processing and/or copying fees in excess of our standard charge.
All Interlibrary Loan materials must be picked up at the library. Books not picked up are returned to the lending institution one week before the due date. Your department will be charged a $10.00 service fee for items not picked up. Books must be returned before the date on the information slip so that they may be shipped back to the loaning library.
Materials not returned by the due date will incur a late fine of $1.00 per day. When items are not returned on time or never returned the library's reputation is put at risk and may be blocked from other libraries or institutions. As a precaution, patrons will be blocked from Interlibrary Loan privileges for borrowed items not returned after 3 weeks.
If you have not had a reply within a week, please contact
Items not picked up will be returned one week before the due date to the lending library.
Access Services is responsible for ILL overdue fines. Late charges for all users is 25 cents per day including students. ILL processors will insert a Warning Notice into each book. The books come with due dates from the lending libraries.
Those who have lost or damaged Interlibrary Loan materials will be billed whatever replacement cost, including processing fee, the lending institution imposes. The WVU Libraries ILL unit will impose an additional $10.00 processing fee. Underlining and highlighting are considered damage, and may incur fees.
Copyright Law limits interlibrary Loan of journals to 5 uses per year per institution. We use the Copyright Clearance Center internet based tracking to maintain these limits and therefore may have to charge any patron if they require an article from a journal that is past the allowed number of uses.
The copyright law of the United States [Title 17, United States Code] governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.
The WVU Tech Beckley Library will endeavor to abide by the copyright law and reserves the right to refuse or fulfill requests that would be in violation of the copyright law.